


时间:2016-09-15 浏览量:








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北京钢铁研究总院工学博士,英国university of leicester访问学者,北京科技大学访问学者,主要从事连铸与炼钢新技术、废钢应用研究、人工智能技术在冶金中应用等方面的研究。主持国家自然基金2项、企业产学研项目30余项,发表学术论文60余篇,获授权国家发明专利30余项,获安徽省科技技术二等奖、冶金科学技术奖三等奖、安徽省教学成果一等奖和二等奖等奖项。承担省级及校级教改项目多项,指导学生获得全国大学生挑战杯竞赛金奖。



[1] xiang zheng, zheng-hai zhu*, zi-xuan xiao, dong-jian huang, cheng-cheng yang, fei he, xiao-bin zhou, teng-fei zhao. cnn-based transfer learning in intelligent recognition of scrap bundles,isij international, 2023,63(8). (sci)

[2] dongjian huang, zhenghai zhu*, xiang zheng, zixuan xiao, lijun xiao, chengcheng yang, tengfei zhao. effect of electropulsing intensity on nucleation of tin in 321 stainless steel. materials science and technology. 2023,39(6):736-743. (sci)

[3] he fei, chai xianyi, zhu zhenghai*. prediction of oxygen-blowing volume in bof steelmaking process based on bp neural network and incremental learning. high temperature materials and processes. 2022:41:403-416. (sci)

[4] tengfei zhao, xiang zheng, dongjian huang, zhenghai zhu* and zhihong yin. thermodynamic research on the precipitation of ti2o3, tin and tic in continuous casting of titanium microalloyed steel. journal of physics: conference series. 2021: 012077. (sci)

[5] zhenghai zhu, hongbiao dong, ke zhang, tao jia, lizhong chang, xiaofang shi, fei he.  interaction between m(c, n) and ferrite in electropulsing microalloyed steel,isij international, 2021,61(5):1550-1555. (sci) 

[6]zheng-hai zhu, li zhou, fei he1, xiao-fang shi, li-zhong chang, hai-jun wang, hong-biao dong . effect of electropulsing on austenite to ferrite transformation in low carbon steel,journal of iron and steel research international,2021,28:437-444. (sci)

[7]li-feng fan, mei-mei qin, xing-yuan zhao, zheng-hai zhu,*, li-jun xiao, jiao-huang, and feng-guoevolution of microstructure and texture of ultra-thin non-oriented electrical steel manufactured by csp, metallurgical research & technology. 2021,118, 6041-11. (sci)

[8]ke zhang, xin-jun sun, zhao-dong li, kun xu,tao jia, zheng-hai zhu*, xiao-yu ye, jun-yu kang, qi-long yong. effect of ti/v ratio on thermodynamics and kinetics of mc in γ/α matrices of ti-v microalloyed steels,journal of iron and steel research international,2021,28:1019-1029. (sci)

[9]zhenghai zhu, hongbiao dong, li zhou, ke zhang, haijun wang, lizhong chang, fei he and tao jia. effect of electropulsing on the precipitation of nbcxn1-x from austenite phasematerials science and technology, 2020,36(14):1566-1573. (sci)







[1] 201210203022.9,采用低压脉冲电流改善含铌钢铸坯角部裂纹和热送裂纹的方法;

[2] 20151008992.3,一种高拉速下抑制结晶器液面波动的装置;

[3] 2017112842042,一种改善微合金钢连铸过程可浇性的方法;

[4] 201710538427.0,一种炉渣成分在线预测方法;

[5] 201710963721.6,一种基于钢包自动定位的稳定出钢温度的方法;

/ 科研项目


[1] 国家自然科学基金项目,脉冲电流对钛微合金钢液相和两相区中tin形核及长大的影响机理研究;

[2] 国家自然科学基金项目,脉冲电流作用下铸坯中nb(c,n)γ→α相变的影响研究;

[3] 河北省重点研发项目:降低碳排放的长流程炼钢新工艺技术集成;

[4] 安徽省教育厅重点项目:电脉冲对含nb微合金钢奥氏体/铁素体演变影响机理研究;

[5] 产学研项目,熔炼用废钢脱锌技术研究;

[6] 产学研项目,废钢在钢铁制造流程中的应用研究;

[7] 产学研项目,大废钢比条件下冶炼过程发热剂研究;

[8] 产学研项目,电炉用铁素炉料及相关标准研究;

[9] 产学研项目,废钢金属收得率及相关标准研究;

[10] 产学研项目,双渣留渣冶炼过程炉渣成分在线预报系统研究;

[11] 产学研项目,近终型薄腹板异形坯连铸中间包换包技术开发研究;

[12] 产学研项目,大圆坯在线凝固模型的研究与开发;

[13] 产学研项目,脉冲电流对铸坯凝固组织的影响研究;

[14] 产学研项目,铸坯质量在线专家系统研究与开发;

[15] 产学研项目,中间包内腔和结晶器水口的实验研究;

/ 教研项目


[1] 安徽省精品线下开放课程,《钢的凝固与连铸》

[2] 校级质量工程钢液凝固过程虚拟仿真实验教学项目

[3] 校级质量工程冶金工程教学实验示范中心

/ 奖励荣誉


[1] 2020年安徽省科技进步二等奖;

[2] 2016年安徽省教学成果二等奖;

[3] 2015年安徽省教学成果一等奖;

[4] 2015年,冶金科技进步三等奖。




电话:0555-2311571 e-mail:yjxy@ahut.edu.cn

地址:安徽省马鞍山市马向路1530号秀山校区冶金楼 邮编:243032
