


时间:2021-09-14 浏览量:





/ 本科生课程


/ 科研方向




/ 简  历


20176月毕业于重庆大学,获得博士学位。20177月至20207月,工作于四川轻化工大学。20208月,以资格副教授全职加盟安徽工业大学冶金工程学院。至今主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,参与省部级项目2项。在journal of magnesium and alloysjournal of alloys and compoundsmaterials characterizationtrans. nonferrous met. soc. chinamaterials & design等期刊以第一作者和通讯作者发表学术论文10余篇。授权国家发明专利5项。

/ 论  文


[1] y.j. wang, l.p. zhong, y.c. dou, x.f. zhang. revealing grain structure development and texture evolution during elastic stress-assist aging of mg–zn alloys. journal of alloys and compounds 2021, 881: 160474.

[2] y.j. wang, l.p. zhong, y.c. dou, z.y. huang. enhanced age hardening response and precipitation evolution of elastic stress aged mg–zn alloys. journal of alloys and compounds 2021, 860: 158513.

[3] yongjian wang, jian peng, liping zhong. on the microstructure and mechanical property of as-extruded mg-sn-zn alloy with cu addition. journal of alloys and compounds, 2018, 744:234-242.

[4] yongjian wang, jian peng, liping zhong, fusheng pan. modeling and application of constitutive model considering the compensation of strain during hot deformation. journal of alloys and compounds, 681 (2016) 455–470.

[5] liping zhong, yongjian wang*, yuchen dou. on the improved tensile strength and ductility of mg–sn–zn–mn alloy processed by aging prior to extrusion. journal of magnesium and alloys, 7 (2019) 637–647.

[6] li-ping zhong, yong-jian wang*. microstructure evolution and optimum parameters analysis for hot working of new type mg−8sn−2zn−0.5cu alloy. trans. nonferrous met. soc. china 29(2019) 2290−2299.

[7] liping zhong, yongjian wang*, hong luo, xuejun cui, yingjun zhang, baojie dou, jian peng. influence of aging prior to extrusion on the microstructure and corrosion resistance of mg-8sn-2zn-0.2mn alloy. journal of alloys and compounds, 780 (2019) 783–791.

[8] liping zhong, yongjian wang*, hong luo, changsen luo, jian peng. evolution of the microstructure, texture and thermal conductivity of as-extruded zm60 magnesium alloy in pre-compression. journal of alloys and compounds, 775 (2019) 707–713.

[9] liping zhong, yongjian wang,* , min gong , xingwen zheng, jian peng. effects of precipitates and its interface on thermal conductivity of mg–12gd alloy during aging treatment. materials characterization, 138 (2018) 284–288.

[10] jian peng, yongjian wang*, liping zhog, longfei peng, fusheng pan. hot deformation behavior of homogenized al–3.2mg–0.4er aluminum alloy. transactions of nonferrous metals society of china, 26 (2016) 945–955.

/ 专  利


[1] 一种镁合金中析出相取向的调控方法;王永建,钟丽萍,豆雨辰。专利号:201910072337.6

[2] 一种制备高强高韧变形镁合金的挤压方法及产品;王永建、钟丽萍、豆雨辰、顾焱灵、龚敏,专利号:201810129996.4                                            

[3] 一种中高温塑性镁合金板材的轧制方法;王永建、钟丽萍、豆雨辰,专利号:201811471322.9                   

[4] al–mg系和al–mg–si系铝合金的彩色金相试样的制备方法. 潘复生,彭建,王永建,钟丽萍,朱莉莉,孙勇.专利号:201410139732.9                                 

[5] 一种用于挤压薄壁管/薄板的细晶铝合金铸坯及其制备方法. 彭建,王永建,潘复生.专利号:201510239222.3        

/ 科研项目


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:应力诱导调控镁锡基合金中mg2sn相析出行为及合金强化机理研究(51901144)2020.01-2022.12,主持,在研。

[2] 四川省科技厅应用基础研究项目:预变形诱导析出相协同调控镁合金热导率的机理研究(no.2019yj0478),2019.1-2021.12, 参与,在研

[3] 材料腐蚀与防护四川省重点实验室:预变形及时效处理对镁合金耐腐蚀性能的影响(no.2018cl06),2018.04-2020.4,参与,已结题。

[4] 人才引进基金:基于热处理工艺调控mg-sn-zn系合金微观组织和力学性能的研究(no.2017rcl35),2017.09-2019.09,主持,已结题。




电话:0555-2311571 e-mail:yjxy@ahut.edu.cn

地址:安徽省马鞍山市马向路1530号秀山校区冶金楼 邮编:243032
