许坤 博士,副教授,硕士生导师 办公地点:冶金楼南222 办公电话:0555-2311571 传真:0555-2311571 电子邮件: |
简 历:
2001年和2004年先后在中国科学技术大学取得理论与应用力学和计算机科学的双学位学士以及工程力学硕士学位,然后赴美在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校连铸模拟实验室获得博士学位以及从事博士后研究工作。现主要研究方向是多组分合金中的夹杂相析出和钢晶粒生长的微结构模拟,复杂铸件形状的温度-应力耦合问题的有限元分析,以及金属凝固和热处理过程中其他相关问题的数值模拟,目前已有数篇文章被sci和ei收录,并且是国际期刊metallurgicaland materials transactions和journal of materialsengineering and performance的审稿人。
论 文:
[1]. k.xu and b. g. thomas, particle-size-grouping model of precipitation kinetics inmicroalloyed steels, metallurgical and materials transactions a, 2012, vol.43a, pp. 1079-1096.
[2]. k.xu, b. g. thomas, m. s. dyer, j. g. speer, d. k. matlock, model of microalloyprecipitation during continuous casting and reheating, iron and steeltechnology, 2011, october, pp. 59-68.
[3]. k.xu, b. g. thomas and r. o΄malley, equilibrium model of precipitation inmicroalloyed steels, metallurgical and materials transactions a, 2011, vol.42a, pp. 524-539.
[4]. m.s. dyer, j. g. speer, d. k. matlock, a. j. shutts, s. jansto, k. xu and b. g.thomas, microalloy precipitation in hot charged slabs, iron and steeltechnology, 2010, october, pp. 96-105.
[5]. k.xu and b. g. thomas, prediction of grain size, precipitation and cracksusceptibility in continuous casting, 2009 aistech conference, vol. 2, pp.641-652.
[6]. l.c. hibbeler, s. koric, k. xu, b. g. thomas and c. spangler, thermomechanicalmodeling of beam blank casting, iron and steel technology, 2009, july 2009,vol. 6, pp. 60-73.
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