


时间:2023-02-15 浏览量:







/ 科研方向






赵海佳,女,1994年生,内蒙古二连浩特市人,博士,师资博士后。2016年毕业于安徽工业大学,同年进入东北大学申请硕博连读,于20226月毕业,获得冶金物理化学工学博士学位,同年进入安徽工业大学冶金工程学院。主要从事熔盐化学/电化学、绿色电化学冶金提取、储能催化材料得开发及制备相关方面的研究工作。目前以学生一作在journal of cleaner productionacs sustainable chemistry & engineeringelectrochimica acta等期刊上发表sci论文8篇,h指数为10,授权专利4项。



[1] h. zhao, j. qu, f. zhou, et al. self-driven salt-thermal reduction approach for the synthesis of cu2o and agcl-cu2o hybrids with superior photocatalytic activity, acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, 2021, 9(16): 5651-5660. (if = 9.224).

[2] h. zhao, z. zhao, j. qu, et al. a combined oxidation and salt-thermal approach to converting copper scraps to copper oxides as energy storage materials, journal of cleaner production, 2021, 320: 128870. (if = 11.072).

[3] h. zhao, j. qu, x. li, et al. carbonate materials synthesis using molten salt templates, journal of materials science, 2021, 16. 7778-7790. (if = 4.682).

[4] h. zhao, j. qu, z. zhao, et al. molten salt leaching approach for separation of copper and iron in the form of oxides from chalcopyrite, journal of sustainable metallurgy, 2022, 8(3):1340-1348. (if = 3.068).

[5] h. zhao, h. xie, x. zhou, et al. engineering the electrochemical reduction of carbon and silica in molten cacl2: manipulation of the electrolytic products, journal of the electrochemical society, 2019, 166(4): e137-e143. (if = 4.386).

[6] h. xie, h. zhao, j. qu, et al. thermodynamic considerations of screening halide molten-salt electrolytes for electrochemical reduction of solid oxides/sulfides, journal of solid state electrochemistry, 2019, 23(3): 903-909. (if = 2.747).

[7] h. xie, h. zhao, q. song, et al. anodic gases generated on a carbon electrode in oxide-ion containing molten cacl2 for the electro-deoxidation process, journal of the electrochemical society, 2018, 165(14): e759-e762. (if = 4.316).

[8] h. xie, h. zhao, j. liao, et al. electrochemically controllable coating of a functional silicon film on carbon materials, electrochimica acta, 2018, 269: 610-616. (if = 7.336).

[9] x. chen, h. zhao, j. qu, et al. a molten calcium carbonate mediator for the electrochemical conversion and absorption of carbon dioxide, green chemistry, 2020, 22(22): 7946-7954. (if = 11.034)

[10] x. chen, h. zhao, h. xie, et al. tuning the preferentially electrochemical growth of carbon at the "gaseous co2-liquid molten salt-solid electrode" three-phase interline, electrochimica acta, 2019, 324: 134852. (if = 7.336).



[1] 一种熔盐溶剂化法制备纳米cu2o颗粒的方法,zl201811106493.1,授权时间:2019921日;

[2] 一种熔盐电化学插层法制备二维层状mos2材料的方法,zl201910085008.5,授权时间:2020414日;

[3] 一种从铜矿中直接分离铜并制备cu2o功能材料的方法,zl201910560111.0,授权时间:202055日;

[4] 一种熔盐电化学剥离法制备二维层状ws2材料的方法,zl201910084979.8,授权时间:2020331日;

/ 奖励荣誉


[1] 2021年卓越博士奖学金、校一等奖学金;

[2] 2019博士国家奖学金、校优秀研究生、优秀学生党员;

[3] 2017年硕士国家奖学金、校优秀你研究生;




电话:0555-2311571 e-mail:yjxy@ahut.edu.cn

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