


时间:2016-09-15 浏览量:







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international journal of minerals, metallurgy and materials和钢铁研究学报青年编委



2007年获中南大学矿物加工工程学士学位,2010年获中南大学冶金工程硕士学位,2014年获中南大学澳大利亚联邦科学院(csiro联合培养冶金工程博士学位随后青年英才形式进入安徽工业大学工作。目前主持国家自然科学基金、中国博士后自然科学基金、安徽省自然科学基金、安徽省高校自然科学研究重点项目及校企产学研合作项目20项。已第一作者或者通讯作者mmtbisijjomprocess safety and environmental protectionironmaking&steelmakingcanadian metallurgical quarterlymetallurgical research & technologymineral processing and extractive metallurgy reviewinternational journal of mineral processing等一流期刊发表论文30余篇,以第一发明人授权发明专利14项;荣获第四届全国高校冶金院长奖2019年广西科技进步二等奖



[1] ping wang, mengbo dai, tiejun chun*, hongming long, jun wei. influence of the gangue compositions on the reduction swelling index of hematite briquettes. metallurgical and materials transactions b, 2021, online 03 may 2021, 

[2] lixinqian, yifanwang, mingliangliu, yulinhu, tiejunchun*, qingminmeng, hongminglong*, yawang. performance evaluation of urea injection on the emission reduction of dioxins and furans in a commercial municipal solid waste incinerator. process safety and environmental protection, 2021, 146:577-585.

[3] 孙业长,代梦博,罗邦曹,何丽萍,春铁军*. 激发剂强化钢渣磁选尾渣胶凝活性的研究,烧结球团,2021,46(1): 8-13.

[4] yifan wang, lixin qian, zhengwei yu*, tiejun chun*, hongming long, xuejian wu, jiaxin li. inhibition behavior of pcdd/fs congeners by addition of n-containing compound in the iron ore sintering. aerosol air quality research, 2020. 20(11): 2568–2579.

[5] lixin qian, tiejun chun*, hongming long*, qingmin meng. detection of the assimilation characteristic of iron ores: dynamic resistance measurements, international journal of minerals, metallurgy and materials, 2020, 27(1):18-25.

[6] tiejun chun, gutian mu, qingmin meng*, hongming long*, ping wang , chuanguang bi. preparation of mgo added iron ore pellets and effects on a pilot scale blast furnace operation. journal of mining metallurgy section b-metallurgy, 2019, 55(2)b:167-175.

[7] 穆固天, 春铁军*, 朱梦飞, 王臻, 龙红明. 铁矿烧结过程微细颗粒物排放行为. 钢铁, 2019, 54(7):17-24.

[8] lixin qian, tiejun chun*, hongming long*, jiaxin li, zhanxia di, qingmin meng, ping wang. emission reduction research and development of pcdd/fs in the iron ore sintering. process safety and environmental protection, 2018, 117:82-91.

[9] 李东升, 春铁军*, 王 臻, 宁 超, 穆固天, 朱梦飞, 龙红明. 高磷铁矿含碳团块直接还原-磁选提铁, 过程工程学报, , (2):375-381.

[10] tiejun chun, hongming long*, zhanxi di, xiangyang zhang, xuejian wu, lixin qian. novel technology of reducing so2 emission in the iron ore sintering. process safety and environmental protection, 2017, 105:297-302.

[11] tiejun chun, hongming long*, zhanxia di*, ping wang, qingmin meng. influence of microwave heating on the microstructures of iron ore pellets with coal during reduction. ironmaking&steelmaking, 2017, 44(7):486-491.

[12] 毕传光, 龙红明, 春铁军*, 张艳华. mgo质量分数对氧化球团性能的影响, 钢铁, 2017, 52(7): 22-26.

[13] hongming long, xuejian wu, tiejun chun*, zhanxia di, bin yu. assimilation behavior of calcium ferrite and calcium diferrite with sintered al2o3 and mgo. metallurgical and materials transactions b, 2016, 47(5):2830-2836.

[14] hongming long, qingmin meng, tiejun chun*, ping wang, jiaxin li. preparation of metallic iron powder from copper slag by carbothermic reduction and magnetic separation, canadian metallurgical quarterly, 2016, 55(3):338-344.

[15] tiejun chun, chao ning, hongming long*, jiaxin li, jialong yang, mineralogical characterization of copper slag from tongling nonferrous metals group china, jom, 2016, 68(9):2332-2340.

[16] 春铁军, 宁超,王欢, 李东升, 龙红明, 高志芳. 铁矿烧结过程微细颗粒物(pm10/pm2.5)排放特性及研究进展. 钢铁研究学报, 2016, 28(9):1-5.

[17] hongming long, tiejun chun*, ping wang, qingmin meng, zhanxia di, jiaxin li, grinding kinetics of vanadium-titanium magnetite concentrate in a damp mill and its properties, metallurgical and materials transaction b, 2016, 47(3):1765-1772.

[18] hongming long, xiaolong chen, tiejun chun*, qingmin meng, ping wang. sulfur balance calculation of new desulfurization technology in the iron ore sintering process, metallurgical research & technology, 2016, 113:107-112.

[19] tiejun chun, deqing zhu*. new process of pellets-metallized sintering process (pmsp) to treat zinc-bearing dust from iron and steel company. metallurgical and materials transactions b, 2015, 46(1): 1-4.

[20] tiejun chun, hongming long*, jiaxin li. alumina-iron separation of high alumina iron ore by carbothermic reduction and magnetic separation. separation science and technology, 2015, 50(5):760-766.

[21] tiejun chun, deqing zhu*, jian pan. simultaneously roasting and magnetic separation to treat low grade siderite and hematite ores. mineral processing and extractive metallurgy review, 2015, 36(4):223-226.

/ 专  利


[1] 基于表层包覆促进冶金固废资源回收利用的复合球团,发明专利号:zl201811629504.4

[2] 一种冶金固废回收有价组分的包覆方法,发明专利号:zl201811629501.0

[3] 一种基于焦化废水改性燃料减排铁矿烧结过程nox的方法,发明专利号:zl201811430596.3

[4] 一种利用废物资源回收赤泥中铁、铝的方法,发明专利号:zl201811292691.1

[5] 一种铁矿烧结过程烟气pm10/2.5的选择性减排系统及方法,发明专利号:zl201611077976.4

[6] 一种烧结烟气微细颗粒的团聚捕集及减排方法,发明专利号:zl2016110780615

/ 科研项目


[1] 国家自然科学基金项目,铁矿烧结过程微细颗粒物排放行为与控制技术研究

[2] 安徽省自然科学基金项目,燃料改性调控铁矿烧结nox源头减排基础研究

[3] 中国博士后自然科学基金项目,基于电信号突变铁矿粉高温同化性能检测新方法

[4] 产学研项目,铁块矿带式机烘干机理研究

[5] 产学研项目,烧结矿提铁降硅降耗、稳产提质技术研发及应用

[6] 产学研项目,烧结烟气nox源头和过程减排及氨法脱硫优化技术研发应用

[7] 产学研项目,哈萨克斯坦aktobe铁精矿球团矿制备技术开发研究

[8] 产学研项目,复合膨润土添加剂开发及应用

[9] 产学研项目,钢渣基矿山充填新材料研究及应用

[10] 产学研项目,柳钢冶金固废综合利用研发

[11] 产学研项目,基于铁水总成本最低铁矿评价模型研发与培训

[12] 产学研项目,high pressure grinding roller (hpgr) tests of vale

/ 教研项目


[1] 安徽省教学研究项目冶金工程卓越人才培养创新项目主持;

/ 奖励荣誉


[1] 2016年获第四届全国高校冶金院长奖

[2] 2019年获广西科技进步二等奖

[3] 2018年获校十佳班主任

[4] 指导研究生获国家奖学金、校长奖学金等奖励;

[5] 指导学生获第三届冶金青年创新创意大赛全国特等奖;

[6] 指导学生获首届冶金全国大学生冶金科技竞赛全国一等奖;

[7] 指导学生获第十届全国大学生节能减排竞赛全国三等奖

[8] 指导学生获第二届冶金青年创新创意大赛全国三等奖

[9] 指导学生获第七届挑战杯大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛安徽省二等奖




电话:0555-2311571 e-mail:yjxy@ahut.edu.cn

地址:安徽省马鞍山市马向路1530号秀山校区冶金楼 邮编:243032
